High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipes by Sandale are Ontario’s secret solution to making Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) possible.
The Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Industry has experienced so much growth in the past two decades that it has become commonplace as the preferred installation method for most utility pipes applications. HDPE, too, has grown, and is the preferred option to get the job done right.
The Advantages of Horizontal Directional Drilling
HDD is a method of installing utilities underground that eliminates the need for disruptive trench excavation. This process involves digging a hole to create a path under the surface, then enlarging the hole with a pipe pulled through to the other end.
The benefits of HDD are vast, but one of the key reasons is that HDD only minimally disturbs the surface. For rural areas, that means the environment is preserved, while in cities, that means reducing the destruction of roads, sidewalks and personal property. Urban centres find it increasingly difficult to upgrade infrastructure because of space and time constraints.
Another reason HDD continues to grow is that the process often uses one of the best solutions around – HDPE pipes.

How HDPE Has Become the Preferred Option for Horizontal Directional Drilling
HDPE pipes are highly flexible, allowing for easy bending and conforming to the curvature of the drilled path. This flexibility is crucial when dealing with difficult terrain or curves, as it encourages smooth installation without compromising the integrity of the pipeline.
HDPE pipes are also extremely lightweight compared to other pipes like steel. That means that equipment usage is reduced, resulting in fewer mechanical issues. It also means shorter installation time, saving days and even weeks on a job site.
Not all pipes are created equal, and HDPE is certainly equal to no other. Its resistance to chemicals ensures that all most common fluids can be transported using HDPE, whether in wastewater applications, petroleum or anything in between.
Lastly, HDPE is cost-effective. Consider the benefits we listed above, and you likely would think HDPE would be more expensive than any other pipe. But it's not. When you factor in the long-term maintenance savings, the choice is a no-brainer.
Horizontal Drilling is the Trenchless Triumph and HDPE from Sandale is the Secret Weapon
HDPE pipes are phenomenal products you must use on your next HDD project. Pair the excellence of this product with our expert team here at Sandale, and you have a one-stop destination with the experience, knowledge and product diversification to ensure that whatever HDD battle you face, we can find the solution for you.
For your next horizontal project, trust HDD HDPE through Sandale. Reach out to us today to learn more.